Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back in the Gym

With the apparent end to my football career I needed to find some sort of exercise so I wouldn't return to my former beer bellied shape of last year. So yesterday I came across a timely free day at a local gym and after an hour of wandering from one exercise machines to another as well as actually using a few I signed up for a month's membership.

Off course this isn't the first time that I've joined a Gym. With high expectations I usually sign up in the month of January and go everyday for a month. Then by February its twice a week and then I pop along in March to say goodbye having already paid for a full years membership in advance.
This time however I managed to get a deal where I only sign up for a month. Hopefully by the end of the month I will have built up the motivation to do some exercise at home.

Well Hopefully.

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