Monday, June 8, 2009

Wonderful World of Infomercials

So there I was, watching TV and being seduced by this AMAZING new invention being advertised in an American Infomercial

Yes, yes I can hear you laughing already but come on this product was worth purchasing if for no other reason than the fact that they dragged out an old and overweight MR. T to tell the audience that he "Pitied the fool who didn't want one".

This AMAZING product is the "Flavor Wave Turbo Oven"

With all the charm of a second hand car salesman, the Sarah Palin lookalike ( have you forgotten her already?) invited Mr T. onto the stage and went on to amaze him with all the amazing things that this wonder of the new age can bring into our hum+drum lives.
Unlike Mr T I wasn't quite ready to give Sarah my credit card details just yet.

I wondered if it was possible that Mr T had been tricked and was even now was being drugged and his unconscious body bundled onboard an airplane?

I checked out a consumer web site to prove to those voices of doubt in my head that MR. T was safe, Sarah was no liar and that the "Flavor Wave Turbo oven" was indeed the equal to the creation of the wheel.

Alas all was not well in the land of Infomania, there were complaints and complaints aplenty that the oven overheated, back up was awful and spare parts were expensive. I now fear that Mr. T is destined to be brought out again and again, whenever the next great invention is to be put before the unsuspecting public.

Before I say farewell for now follow this link and watch Mr T greatest performance since he snarled at Rocky all those years.

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